
  • 私は本当は愛する人とセックスしたいです。しかし、何も感じませんし、怖いです。私はどうしてしまったのでしょうか?




 あなたが、パートナーの方法で楽しめないのは、単にあなたがアセクシャルであるからかもしれません。それでよいのです。事実、多くの人々が、“普通”の性的関係を試みたのち、うまくいかず、彼らはアセクシャルであると発見しています。 それでいいのです。私たちは、異なる方法で私たちについて発見します。



 アセクシャルは性的指向ですが、 性的欲求低下障害(HSDD)の状態は、性的に人に惹かれる人でも、性的衝動の困難に直面する影響を受けます。


  • アセクシャルは孤独になるということを意味しますか?





  • これは単なる変化の段階ですか?私はどのように成長するのでしょうか?全ての性的指向の人々は、自分たちの性的指向に疑問をもつ時期を経験することがあります。アセクシャルの人がなぜ、違うのでしょうか?


 誰もが小さいころから自身を正確に知っているわけではありません。「2015 Asexual Census」によると、80%以上のエース(ace)の人が、アセクシャルと自認する前に、別の指向を自認するとしている。それは、他の指向の段階ではないのでしょうか?一方で、段階ではない場合、どのようになるのですか?



  • 私はアセクシャルであると自認できません。もし、適切な人に出会い、その人に性的に惹かれたら、どのようになりますか?






  • 時々、私が間違っているのかと怖くなります。私はおかしくなってしまったのでしょうか。子どもの頃に何かが起こり、アセクシャルになったと思います。なぜ、そのようになったのだと思いますか?



 「2015年アセクシャル人口調査(2015 Asexual Census)」によると、アセクシャルの回答者の大部分は性的暴力を経験していませんでした。そこから言えることは、親密な人がいたが、結果不幸になる困難な状況にある場合、カウンセリングをもとめることをおすすめするということです。



  •  私は性的に抑圧されていたり、現実の世界から私自身が距離を置かれたり隠れたりしていることを心配しています。私が本当にアセクシャルであると確信するためには、どうすればいいでしょうか?






  • 私はアセクシャルになりたくありません。みんなと同じように普通になりたいです。私に何ができますか?





  • 私はアセクシャルについて、人に言うことができません。私がおかしくなってしまったと笑うでしょう。






 あなたは、AVENの便利なウェブサイトの、「よくある質問(FAQ)」セクションがみつかり、希望を抱いているかもしれませんが、このコミュニティにいる人々に直接、簡単にアプローチするには「aven.qa@gmail.com email,」にメールを送ることか、AVEN フォーラムに参加することです。


Doubts and Fears


I really want to have sex with people I love but when I do I feel nothing and it's horrible. What's wrong with me? 

There might be nothing wrong with you – it might just be how you’re wired. If you don’t enjoy sex or find it deeply disappointing, this might be because you don’t actually want sex – though you may want to be someone who wants sex. Asexual people simply don’t experience the intrinsic desire for sex with other people, even if you love the person and feel deeply attracted to them in romantic or aesthetic ways.

Think carefully. What does sex mean to you? What do you expect to get from sex? Are you expecting the intense pleasure you hear people talk about? Do you want it to be an amazing shared expression of love with your partner? Sex isn’t the same for everyone, and if you don’t enjoy it the way your partner does, you might simply be asexual, and that’s okay.

In fact, many people come to discover they’re asexual after attempting “normal” sexual relationships that don’t pan out. That’s fine! We all discover parts of ourselves in different ways, and the asexual community is here to provide support and guidance based on similar experiences. Some people are okay with sex within relationships in spite of this, some people don’t feel strongly about sex at all, and some people are repulsed by sex – any of these are fine, and found within the asexual community 

Note: if you’re experiencing a lack of sexual desire that is causing personal distress, you may want to consult with a medical professional. While asexuality is a sexual orientation, conditions like Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorders (HSDD) affect people who are sexual but may be facing difficulties with their sex drives

Does being asexual mean I'll always be lonely?

Not at all! Asexual people can still have fulfilling romantic relationships if they so desire, and many do. You may meet another asexual person you connect with, or you may meet a partner who is sexual with whom you can reach a mutually satisfying compromise. Outside of romantic relationships, there is nothing preventing asexual people from forming close friendships just like everyone else. Don’t give up hope!

Could this just be a phase? How do I know I won’t grow out of it?

Many people of all sexual orientations may go through periods of their lives where they’re questioning their orientations. Why should asexuality be any different? If you identify as asexual now but later on find out that you’re another orientation, that’s not a “phase” – it’s just your path of self-discovery. Not everyone knows exactly who or what they are from an early age. According to the 2015 Asexual Census, over 80% of aces identified as another orientation before identifying as asexual. That doesn’t make other orientations a phase, does it?

On the other hand, what if it’s not a phase? You shouldn’t keep yourself in denial just in case you’re wrong. The asexual community is open to helping people who may be in a stage of questioning their orientation, or just still making sense of themselves. Whatever your case may be, there is no shame in identifying as what best describes you at this point in your life.

I can't identify as asexual. What if I find the right person and start being sexual with them?

If you’re not comfortable identifying as asexual, that’s your choice. Even if you do identify as asexual and later find that person who sparks your sexuality, that’s fine! We learn new things about ourselves all the time, and it’s okay to change how you identify based on that. You aren’t losing anything by exploring your a/sexuality and talking to others with similar experiences, and you aren’t barring yourself from having sex in the future.

Something must be terribly wrong with me. I'm broken. I think I can trace my asexuality to something that happened when I was a child. Do you think that's why I'm this way?

Asexuality is a valid orientation – it doesn’t mean you’re broken. Asexuality is not a dysfunction, and there is no need to find a “cause” or a “cure”. Just like with all orientations, there are asexual people who have experienced trauma, and asexual people who haven’t. In fact, according to the 2015 Asexual Census, the vast majority of ace respondents had never experienced sexual violence.

That being said, if you have a difficult time being intimate with people and are unhappy as a result, then it is probably a good idea to seek some sort of counseling. No matter what our orientation is, we all deserve to take care of ourselves mentally and physically.

I'm worried that I'm sexually repressed or just using this to distance myself from or hide from the real world. How can I be sure I'm really asexual?

Only you can know if you’re asexual or not, but we can give you starting points to examine this. Are you making choices to not act upon urges, or do you lack them entirely? Does your lack of sexuality make you feel like you’re holding yourself back or neglecting some of your needs? If not, you’re likely asexual. If you’re not sure, there are ways to work beyond these types of barriers, and the asexual community may be a good place to explore how you feel. Overall wellness is something we should all strive for regardless of orientation. If you feel like you’re holding yourself back from something, you should practice the necessary self-care to become your best self.

I don't like being asexual. I want to be normal like everyone else. What can I do?

Like other sexual orientations, being asexual isn’t a choice. It isn’t a defect to be fixed, or something we can work to change. You can choose to change the way you act upon your desires or lack of desires, but you can’t simply change what your desires are. It’s simply who we are. If you’re feeling alienated from other people, there are growing asexual communities both in person and online that you can reach out to for support and acceptance. So many of us have gone through the same thing, and we’re happy to impart our wisdom on the people in need of support.

I could never tell people about this. They'd think I was a freak or laugh at me

You’re not alone with this worry about acceptance. You aren’t required to “come out” or publicly identify as asexual if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. Many asexual people have the same concerns, which is why semi-anonymous online environments like the AVEN forums have helped so many. What matters is what YOU think of yourself, and we’re happy to give you a supportive environment for that.

Asexual people have faced mixed results in coming out, but there are many positive experiences. You may find that coming out often needs to be followed by an explanation of what asexuality is and isn’t. Be patient with people. It’s likely that you initially had some trouble accepting your own asexuality and understanding what it meant, so it’s not surprising that other people have the same problem when they first hear about it. You’ve hopefully found this FAQ section of the AVEN website useful, so a simple approach may be to direct people here, to the aven.qa@gmail.com email, or to the AVEN forums.


Do you have anything else to add?

The asexual community formed around similarities as well as differences. We are happy to help and provide support to folks from all walks of life who have questions about asexuality or identify under the asexual umbrella. Don’t be afraid to contact us or join our community to ask any more questions you may have.