
Asexual Awareness Weekは、2017年は、10月22日〜28日に開催しました。





 私たちは、Asexual Awareness Week は、コミュニティーに属していると信じています。以下の人々は、Asexual Awareness Week組織の舞台裏で関わる人々です。



創業者  Sara Beth Brooks


ウェブマスター Jarred Bowen

Jarred BowenPCサポートのスペシャリストです。情報システムアナリストです。カリフォルニア北部の多才なコンピューターの知識人です。Jarred は何箇所かのコミュニティ組織の構築と、ウェブサイトの維持を支援しています。


開発者 Alex Haslam



 Asexual Awareness Weekはアセクシャル、アロマンティック、デミセクシャル、グレーセクシャルについての教育・啓発と、私たちのコミュニティーと、世界中のアライ(理解者、ally)にとって利用しやすい資料を作成することを目標とした、国際的なキャンペーンです。

 私たちは、主にアセクシャルについてのワークショップ、レクチャー、プレゼンテーションを含むAsexual Awareness Weekのイベントを大学のキャンパスやコミュニティーで行います。














・アセクシャルについての教育と意識は、何が起きているかを理解していない人々が、名前やコミュニティーを見つけることや、アライ(理解者)(ally)がエース(aces)と、エースの問題(ace issues)を理解することを助けています。


Who's Involved


This year we are targeting October 22nd - 28th, 2017, for Asexual Awareness Week. While we have a coordinated date, we understand that some communities and campuses won't be able to adhere to that date. We encourage these folks to still hold an event at whatever time works best for their community, and to let us know about it so that we can add it to our events page!


While we firmly belive that Asexual Awareness Week belongs to the community, the people you see here work "behind the scenes" for the Asexual Awareness Week orginization.


Sara Beth Brooks

When not organizing for AAW, Sara Beth Brooks is a Communications Studies major at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is also active in student government and is a varcity member of the debate team.

Jarred Bowen

Jarred Bowen is a PC support specialist, Information Systems Analyst and all around computer geek from northern California. Jarred also helps several community organizations build and maintain websites.

Alex Haslam

Alex is an independent software developer from the United Kingdom. He developed code to integrate the map tool on our events page. Alex maintains more complex code that adds functionality to the website.


More About Us



Asexual Awareness Week is an international campaign that seeks to educate about asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and grey-asexual experiences and to create materials that are accessible to our community and our allies around the world.

We primarily fulfill our mission through campus or community planned Asexual Awareness Week events that include at least one workshop, lecture, or presentation about asexuality. We also occasionally engage in advocacy regarding defamation of asexuals in media or pop culture and in outreach to the LGBT community.


  • Sexual attraction is a diverse spectrum and people can be attracted to a gender, multiple genders or no gender.
  • Romantic attraction is a diverse spectrum and people can be attracted to a gender, multiple genders or no gender.
  • Gender is a spectrum and people can be all different sorts of genders and/or be questioning their gender. Both gender identity and expression must be valued and respected.
  • Behavior does not necessarily mirror orientation. Asexual people still choose to engage in sexual activities for a variety of reasons and that does not make them any less asexual.
  • Privilege exists in many forms (race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, body shape, health, etc) and we strive to check various privileges at all available opportunities.
  • Education and awareness about asexuality helps people who don't understand what's going on with them to find a name and a community and helps allies to understand aces and ace issues. The next step must be in-person trainings, workshops, and events that spread the information further.