2011 年には、「Asexual Awareness Week」自身でアセクシャルと自認している人々に、15 の国勢調査を行いました。
3,300 以上の回答が集められました。 これは、そのデータに対して行われた分析です。現在、2011 年のデータを大幅に更新する新しいアンケートに取り組んでいます。
・Tristan Miller
より多くをお探しですか?アセクシャル調査(Asexual Explorations)には、 アセクシャルに関する利用可能な研究 資源が豊富にあります。
また、元の AAW 調査の精神的続編であるアセクシャル調査(Asexual Census)も参照してください。
Tristan Miller(別名 Siggy)の分析
2011 年に、Asexual Awareness Week チームは、アセクシャルコミュニティのインターネッ ト調査を実施しました。
多くの質問(星印で示されている)は、回答者が複数の回答をチェックすることを可能にし、 分析にあたり、与えられた回答の正確な組み合わせについて、多くの情報のうち不要なもの を除く必要がありました。
3436 名の回答者でした。6 名の回答は、不適切と判断し、母数は 3430 名にしました。
参加目標は 500 件でしたが、その目標はわずか 4 時間で達成されました!次の月に、3,436 人 のアセクシャルを自己で自認している人々が回答しました。
アセクシャルコミュニティの驚くべきデータを示しました、私たちはあなたと共有できることに本当に ワクワクしています。
これらの結果についての言葉を広げるために広くこのデータを共有してくださ い。
質問 1:あなたは、出生年は何ですか?
回答者は、年数で記入しましたが、そこから 年齢を計算しました。
質問 2:あなたはアセクシャルスペクトラム上で、どのように自認していますか?*
分類の目的のため、最後のボックスにチェックをしたと考えました。 書面による回答は手で解釈されましたが、33 の回答のみがこの方法で調整されました。
質問 3:あなたの性自認は、何ですか?*
回答者は 5 つのグループに分類されました。 "女性"グループは女性をチェックし、他のボックスはチェックしませんでした。(おそらく 書込みボックスを除く)。 「女性っぽい(女性に属する)」グループは、女性だけでなく、他のいくつかのボックスを チェックしたが、男性はチェックしませんでした。
「男性」および「男性っぽい(男性に属する)」グループも同様に定義されました。 「その他の」グループは、a)に女性と男性、または b)に女性・男性のどちらでもないにチェックをつけていました。
書面による回答は手で解釈されましたが、15 の回答のみがこの方法で調整されました。
質問 5:あなたは、自身がトランスジェンダーだと思いますか?
回答は質問 3 のジェンダーと相互相関がありました。
はい(Yes) |
いいえ(No) |
不確か(Unsure) |
女性 (N=1738) |
1% |
97% |
2% |
女性に属する (N=443) |
3% |
84% |
13% |
男性(N=329) |
16% |
81% |
3% |
男性に属する (N=134) |
60% |
28% |
12% |
その他のジェンダー (N=785) |
24% |
50% |
26% |
質問 6-7:国籍と民族のアイデンティティ
質問 8:あなたの恋愛の指向は何ですか?*
回答は、質問 3 のジェンダーとの相互関係を分析しました。
(「女性」と「女性に属する」 を「男性」と「男性に属する」と同様にまとめました。)
他のモノロマンティックの人々は、女性に恋愛感情をもち男性に もたないか、男性に恋愛感情をもち女性にもたないといった、他のジェンダーに分類される 人々です。
バイロマンティック/パンロマンティックは、女性と男性の両方にひ かれることがあります。
その他は、上記のどれにもひかれることがありませんがアロマンティックと自認していま せん。
「他の」分類の人々を特徴付けるために、私はサブグループによってチェッ クされた他の箱をみました。 人々が複数なボックスにチェックをしていたり、全くチェックしていない人々がいるかもしれないことは注意してください。
質問 9:あなたは宗教または、精神的な所属を持っていますか?*
質問 10:あなたの最終学歴はなんですか。
質問11: あなたは現在どのようにあなた自身を知覚していますか?*
未経験者 |
未経験者ではない、しかし現在、性的に活発ではありません。 |
性的に活発です。 |
その他 |
アセクシャル(N=1941) |
77% |
9% |
3% |
11% |
グレー・アセクシ ャ (N=721) |
61% |
16% |
9% |
15% |
デミセクシャル (N=707) |
59% |
14% |
14% |
14% |
質問 12:あなたのセックスに対する態度は何ですか?*
私はセックスに反対/性的陰性です。 (私は他の人とセックスするという考え方に反対や妨 害しています。)
私はこの質問を 3 つの部分に分けました。
質問 12、パート 1:最も拒んだボックスをチェックしている人々を分類した場合の、セックスに対する姿勢
完全に拒む |
多少拒む |
無関心 |
セックスを楽 しむ |
無回答 |
アセクシャル(N=1941) |
25% |
40% |
24% |
1% |
11% |
グレー・アセ クシャル (N=721) |
8% |
43% |
32% |
4% |
14% |
デミセクシャル(N=707) |
6% |
31% |
34% |
11% |
17% |
質問 12、パート 2: 他の人へのセックスに対する態度
質問 12、パート 3:妥協
定期的なセッ クスがしたいという意思がある |
時折セックスをしたいという意思がある |
意思はない |
矛盾している、 または、回答なし |
アセクシャル (N=1941) |
9% |
24% |
38% |
29% |
グレー・セクシャル(N=721) |
22% |
36% |
11% |
31% |
デミセクシャル(N=707) |
33% |
31% |
4% |
33% |
質問 13:自分自身を LGBT コミュニティの一員と考えていますか?
質問 14: あなたはアセクシャルコミュニティのどこにつながっていますか?*
私は特に、AVEN、タンブラー、ライブジャーナルの大グループの比較に興味がありました。 これは指向の内訳です。
異性に恋愛的に惹かれる |
同性に恋愛的に惹かれる |
アンドロジナス-ロマンティック |
他のモノ-ロマンティック |
バイ/パン-ロマンティック |
アロマンティック |
その他 |
AVEN N=1185 |
25% |
5% |
1% |
5% |
19% |
20% |
25% |
タンブラー(Tumblr) N=1569 |
17% |
6% |
1% |
5% |
27% |
17% |
29% |
ライブジャーナル(Live- Journal )N=410 |
18% |
6% |
2% |
5% |
19% |
21% |
28% |
女性 |
女性に属する |
男性 |
男性に属する |
その他 |
AVEN N=1185 |
49% |
13% |
12% |
4% |
23% |
タンブラー(Tumblr) N=1569 |
49% |
16% |
6% |
5% |
25% |
ライブジャーナル(Live- Journal )N=410 |
53% |
17% |
3% |
3% |
25% |
質問 15:あなたが、好きなのはどちらですか?
In 2011, Asexual Awareness Week conducted a 15 question census of self-identified asexual people. More than 3,300 responses were collected. This is the analysis that has been done on that data. We are currently working on a new survey that will update the 2011 data significantly - so be on the lookout for that soon!
Want more research?
Looking for more? Asexual Explorations has a wealth of research materials on asexuality avalible! Also see Asexual Census, a spiritual sucessor to the original AAW survey.
Analysis of the 2011 Asexual Awareness Week Community Census
By Tristan Miller (aka Siggy)
In 2011, the Asexual Awareness Week team organized an internet survey of asexual communities. The results are already available
(http://www.facebook.com/notes/asexualawareness-week/results-of-the-asexual-community-census-2011/208581089214485?ref=nf), but further information can be extracted from cross-correlating
different answers. For each question, the answer choices are shown in italics. Many questions (indicated with stars) allowed respondents to check multiple answers, but analysis
required throwing out a lot of information about the precise combination of answers given.
There were N=3436 respondents. 6 responses were deemed not to be serious, leaving N=3430.
Question 1: What year were you born?
Respondents wrote in a year, and from these, ages were calculated.
Age 13-15: 5% Age 16-20: 44% Age 21-25: 32% Age 26-30: 11% Age 31-40: 5% Age 41-50: 1% Age 51-60: 1% Age 61-80: <1%
Question 2: How do you identify on the asexual spectrum?*
Asexual Grey-asexual Demisexual Other (write-in)
For categorization purposes I only considered the last box checked. Write-in answers were interpreted by hand, but only 33 answers were adjusted this way.
Asexual: 56% Gray-asexual: 21%
Demisexual: 21% None of the above: 2%
Question 3: What is your gender identity?*
Androgynous Bigender Female Gender fluid Gender neutral Genderqueer Male Pangender Trigender Two-Spirit Questioning Unsure/confused I don’t have a gender identity Other (write-in)
Respondents were placed into five groups. The “Female” group checked female and no other boxes (except possibly the write-in box). The “Female-ish” group checked female as well as
some other boxes, but not male. “Male” and “Male-ish” groups are similarly defined. The “Other” group checked a) female and male or b) neither female nor male. Write-in answers
were interpreted by hand, but only 15 answers were adjusted this way.
Female: 51% Female-ish: 13% Male: 9% Male-ish: 4% Other: 23%
Question 4: Are you intersex?
Yes: 1% No: 99%
Question 5: Do you consider yourself transgender?
Yes: 10% No: 80% Unsure: 10%
Answers were cross-correlated with gender in question 3.
Yes No Unsure Female (N=1738) 1% 97% 2% Female-ish (N=443) 3% 84% 13% Male (N=329) 16% 81% 3% Male-ish (N=134) 60% 28% 12% Other gender (N=785) 24% 50% 26%
Question 6-7: Nationality and ethnic identity
These questions were purely write-ins, so analysis was deemed infeasible.
Question 8: What is your romantic orientation?*
I am romantically attracted to men. I am romantically attracted to women. I am romantically attracted to non-binary gender identified people. My romantic orientation is fluid. There is no
difference between romantic and non-romantic attraction to me. I am romantically attracted to no one (aromantic). I am demiromantic. I am gray-romantic. I am unsure at this time. Other
Answers were cross-correlated with gender in question 3 (putting “Female” and “Femaleish” together, as well as “male” and “male-ish”). “Homoromantics” are binary-gender identified people
who are romantically attracted to the same gender, but not to the opposite gender. “Heteroromantics” are defined similarly. “Androgynoromantics” are romantically attracted to neither
women nor men, but are attracted to non-binary people. “Other monoromantic” people are people in the “Other” gender category who are attracted to women but not men, or to men but not
women. “Bi/Panromantics” are attracted to both women and men. “Aromantics” are attracted to none of the above, and also identified as aromantic. “Others” are attracted to none
of the above, but did not identify as aromantic.
Heteroromantic: 22% Homoromantic: 6% Androgynoromantic: 1% Other monoromantic: 4% Bi/Panromantic: 22% Aromantic: 16% Other: 29%
To characterize people in the “other” category, I looked at the other boxes checked by this subgroup. Note that people may check multiple boxes or none at all.
My romantic orientation is fluid: 33% There is no difference between romantic and non-romantic attraction to me: 8% I am demiromantic: 16% I am gray-romantic: 13% I am unsure at this time:
40% Other (write-in): 11%
Question 9: Do you have a religious or spiritual affiliation?*
I am not religious: 36.5% I am spiritual: 19.2% I am Agnostic: 22.7% I am Atheist: 23.4% I am Baha’i: 0.2% I am Buddhist: 2.6% I am Catholic: 6.6% I am Christian: 14.3% I am Eastern Orthodox:
0.3% I am Hindu: 0.5% I am Jewish: 3.0% I am Protestant: 3.3% I am Muslim: 1.0% I am non-denominational: 3.2% I am Pagan: 5.0% I am Sikh: 0.1% I am theistic: 1.5% I am Unitarian: 2.2% I am
Wiccan: 2.1% Other (write-in): 7.4%
There may be overlap in some of the above groups. Here are a few selected intersections:
Atheist OR agnostic: 42% Atheist OR agnostic OR nonreligious: 64% Catholic, Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, OR non-denominational: 22%
Question 10: What is your highest level of education?
I'm still attending college/university: 40.2% I'm still attending high school/secondary school: 18.6% I've graduated from college/university: 13.8% I have some college/university education: 8.2%
I have graduated from high school/secondary school or have equivalent diploma: 6.8% I'm still in post-graduate or professional school: 4.2% I've graduated with a Master's or Post Graduate degree:
I did not finish high school/secondary school: 1.4% Other (write-in): 1.2% I've graduated with a PhD, M.D., or other Doctoral level degree: 1.1% I’ve graduated from professional school (law,
medical, business, etc): 0.8%
9 answers were left blank.
Question 11: How do you currently perceive yourself?*
I am a virgin. I am not a virgin. I am sexually active. I am not sexually active. Other (write-in)
Many respondents gave contradictory answers, such as being a virgin and not a virgin or being a virgin and sexually active. There were also many incomplete answers, such as being neither a
virgin nor not a virgin. All such answers are placed into the “Other” category. Writein answers were ignored.
Virgin: 70% Not a virgin, but currently inactive: 11% Sexually active: 7% Other: 13%
The above groups were cross-correlated with people’s place on the asexual spectrum.
Virgin Not a Virgin & inactive Sexually active Other Asexuals (N=1941) 77% 9% 3% 11% Grey-asexuals (N=721) 61% 16% 9% 15% Demisexuals (N=707) 59% 14% 14% 14%
Question 12: What is your attitude towards sex?*
I enjoy having sex. I am indifferent to the idea of (myself) having sex. I am somewhat repulsed by the idea of (myself) having sex. I am completely repulsed by the idea of (myself) having sex. I
am sex positive. (I am okay with the idea of others having sex.) I am anti-sexual/sex negative. (I am against/disturbed by the idea of others having sex.) I would be willing to compromise and
have regular sex (in a relationship). I would be willing to compromise and have occasional sex (in a relationship). I would not be willing to have sex. Other (write-in)
I broke this question into three parts.
Question 12, Part 1: Attitude towards oneself having sex I categorized people by the most “repulsed” box checked.
Completely repulsed: 17% Somewhat repulsed: 38% Indifferent: 27% Enjoy having sex: 4% No response: 13%
These answers were then cross-correlated with people’s place on the asexual spectrum.
Completely repulsed
Somewhat repulsed
Indifferent Enjoy having sex
No response
Asexuals (N=1941)
25% 40% 24% 1% 11%
Grey-asexuals (N=721)
8% 43% 32% 4% 14%
Demisexuals (N=707)
6% 31% 34% 11% 17%
Question 12, Part 2: Attitude towards others having sex Sex positive: 72% Antisexual/sex negative: 4% Neither or both: 23%
Question 12, Part 3: Compromise I categorized people by the most “willing” box checked.
Willing to compromise and have regular sex: 17% Willing to compromise and have occasional sex: 28% Not willing to have sex: 25% Contradictory or no response: 31%
These answers were then cross-correlated with people’s place on the asexual spectrum.
Willing to have regular sex
Willing to have occasional sex
Not willing Contradictory or no response
Asexuals (N=1941)
9% 24% 38% 29%
Grey-asexuals (N=721)
22% 36% 11% 31%
Demisexuals (N=707)
33% 31% 4% 33%
Question 13: Do you consider yourself part of the LGBT community?
Yes: 41% No, but I’m an ally: 38% No: 12% Other (write-in): 9%
I also looked at the percentage yes for various subsets of the respondents.
Asexual: 32% Grey-Asexual: 42% Demisexual: 49% Heteroromantics: 13% Homoromantics: 77% Bi/panromantics: 66% Aromantics: 31% Other orientation: 40% Transgender people: 80% “Other” gender category:
56% AVEN: 38% Tumblr: 52%
Question 14: Where do you connect with the asexual community?*
The AVEN forum: 34.5% Other forums: 6.2% AVEN chat: 6.2% Other text, voice, or video chat: 1.8% Asexual friends: 27.5% Asexual & asexual-friendly dating sites: 2.8% Blogs: 9.9% In-person
meetups: 4.5% Livejournal asexuality community: 12.0% LGBT organizations or community centers: 1.6% LGBT college/university campus organizations: 4.6% Tumblr asexual community: 45.7%
YouTube collaboration channels (e.g.: Hot Pieces of Ace, Dapper Ace, Deck of Aces, etc): 10.1% Other (write-in): 20.4%
I was particularly interested in a comparison of the largest groups, AVEN, Tumblr, and LiveJournal. Here is the orientation breakdown.
Other monoromantic
Aromantic Other
AVEN N=1185
25% 5% 1% 5% 19% 20% 25%
Tumblr N=1569
17% 6% 1% 5% 27% 17% 29%
LiveJournal N=410
18% 6% 2% 5% 19% 21% 28%
And here is a gender breakdown.
Female Female-ish Male Male-ish Other AVEN N=1185 49% 13% 12% 4% 23% Tumblr N=1569 49% 16% 6% 5% 25% LiveJournal N=410 53% 17% 3% 3% 25%
Question 15: Which do you prefer?
Cake: 39.1% Pie: 15.7% Both: 35.1% Neither: 10.1%